The JPO continues to work with our government and community agencies on Covid issues affecting the patients and providers in our medical community. I have also been having discussions with the medical directors and administrators of various schools as we work together to navigate the current Covid regulations and what they mean to the student population.
Jefferson County Public Health had a meeting with schools about the new guidance from NYSDOH and has requested the JPO assist in getting important information out to its providers.
Our thanks to Ms. Faith Lustick, Health Planner, Jefferson County Public Health Department, who shared the information below and for all of the Department’s assistance during this pandemic.
ISSUE IDENTIFIED: During Public Health’s meeting with the schools, a concern identified by the school nurses is that the notes they receive from providers often say, “viral illness, return to school”. As per NYSDOH guidance on pages A2, B2 and C2 of the NYSDOH School toolkit, that is not an acceptable note to allow someone to return to school. (See NYSDOH Link.)
“It was also noted that a signed Health Care Provider (HCP) note documenting unconfirmed acute illnesses, such as viral upper respiratory illness (URI) or viral gastroenteritis, will not suffice”
For the full 9 page “Pre-K to Gr 12 COVID-19 Toolkit” go to NYSDOH Link: